Number 1, 1950 (Lavender Mist)

Jackson Pollock-style abstract expressionism, intricate green and white splashes, layered textures with chaotic overlapping lines, creating a sense of movement and depth, high-density brushstrokes, powerful contrasts, emotional energy.

No. 5, 1948

Abstract expressionism painting in the style of Jackson Pollock, chaotic splashes of black, yellow, and white paint, energetic and spontaneous, intricate web of overlapping drips and lines, full of texture and motion, bold brushstrokes and vivid contrasts.

One: Number 31, 1950

Abstract expressionism in the style of Jackson Pollock, intense black and white splatters and drips, bold, erratic brushstrokes overlapping in an energetic and chaotic web, with a beige background, creating a sense of wild movement and passion, a bold interplay of light and dark contrasts.

Convergence, 1952

Abstract expressionism in the style of Jackson Pollock, chaotic drips of bold black, red, orange, yellow, and blue paint, dynamic splashes and overlapping lines creating a sense of movement, energy, and emotion, vibrant colors against a neutral background, creating a powerful and chaotic composition.

Autumn Rhythm (Number 30), 1950

Abstract expressionism in the style of Jackson Pollock, complex black, white, and teal drips and overlapping lines, full of intense emotional energy, bold brushstrokes creating a dense, dynamic composition with powerful contrasts.

For You


  1. 잭슨 폴락이라는 사람 이름을 처음들어보네요.
    작품들이 멋있네요. 자연스럽게 색감을 교차시켜서
    의미를 나타내는듯해요.

    1. 잭슨 폴록(Jackson Pollock)은 현대미술사에서 빼놓을 수 없는 추상표현주의(Abstract Expressionism)의 선구자입니다. 그의 작품 스타일과 작업 방식은 전통적인 미술가들의 작업 방식을 완전히 뒤집고, 현대미술의 새로운 방향성을 제시했습니다. 그의 드리핑(Dripping) 기법은 특히 예술사에 커다란 영향을 미쳤습니다.

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